HeadStart Programming Courses at The Henley College for A Level and BTEC Computing are Coming Soon!

It's almost the start of the new academic year, and TheComputingTutor Ltd is running two HeadStart programming courses at The Henley College specfically for new students starting in September 2018.
HeadStart A Level Programming Course in C#
Wednesday 5th September 2018, The Henley College
A 1 day course designed to introduce students to C# programming, which is a key component of the AQA A Level. The course is ideal for those students doing A level Computer Science who have never programmed in C# before or who have not studied GCSE computing.
HeadStart BTEC Programming Course in VB.NET
Friday 7th September 2018, The Henley College
A 1 day course designed to introduce students to VB.NET programming, which is a key component of the EDEXEL BTEC in IT. The course is ideal for those studentswho have never programmed in VB.NET before or who have not studied GCSE computing.
For more information visit thecomputingtutor