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BTEC IT Unit 6 Teaching Scheme of Work

The BTEC IT Unit 6 Website Development is an optional unit for all certification levels from the Extended Certificate upwards


Here is a complete 35 Lesson scheme of work for the BTEC IT Unit 6 Website Development.


The resource has been developed with a primary focus on using Notepad++ for the HTML, CSS and JavaScript with over 70 exercises, class tasks, discussion and research activities with suggested answers covering Learning Aims A, B and C for the Unit 6 Specification.


The Scheme of Work includes a brand new scenario that students can use to practice the coursework requirements for Learning Aim B and C before attempting the Assignment.


The resources include:
​Learning Aim A
​Lessons covering all specification content theory including:
 • Class tasks covering the purpose and requirements of websites.
 • Class tasks covering the principles of website design.
 • Class Tasks on media, obejcts and the golden ratio.
 • Class tasks on SEO.
 • Class tasks on factors affecting website performance.
 • Offline web archives of the lesson exercise websites.
 • Consistent use of website examples within the lessons to promote student understanding.
 • Lots of practice questions with suggested answers.


Learning Aim B
Lessons covering all specification content theory including:
 • How to create a problem definition statement with suggested Answers.
 • How to design a website to support a given scenario with suggested Answers.
 • How to review and refine website designs with suggested Answers.
 • How to create a test plan for the example scenario with suggested answers.
 • A new scenario with full worked answers is included for students where they can practice their design & documentation skills before attempting the assignment.
 • Lessons on basic HTML including:
     • Introduction to HTML 
     • Coding inline Styles
     • HTML Navigation
     • Page layout using tables
     • Page layout using DIVS
     • Use of multimedia
     • Simple form operations
Each lesson contains numerous worked examples and suggested code solutions.


​Learning Aim C
Lessons covering all specification content theory including:
 • Advanced HTML, CSS and JavaScript features as detailed in the specification.
 • Numerous class tasks and exercises, with suggested answers, for the use and application of CSS and JavaScript.
 • A fully worked original and revised solution for the new example scenario.
 • Answers for carrying out a test plan.
 • How to optimise a website from testing, feedback and documentation.
 • How to carry out a website review and evaluation.


Each lesson includes:
 • A teacher presentation with learning objectives, lesson content and end of lesson review.
 • A range of class tasks, from worked examples to discussion activities.
 • Student Worksheets for all class tasks.
 • Suggested answers for the class tasks to encourage and promote discussion and further learning.
 • Resource links to relevant websites and videos that can be used in lesson.


Also included is a full outline Scheme of Work for all suggested 35 lessons, which includes:
 • Learning objectives.
 • Lesson overview.
 • Assessment opportunities.
 • EDI considerations.
 • Homework suggestions.
 • A format that can be used for SLT inspections.
 • Teacher notes on resource content with suggested ideas for unit delivery

BTEC IT Unit 6 Teaching Scheme of Work

  • "I found the unit 6 Website Development material to be extremely helpful.   Overall, it makes a teacher’s job easier, and I would highly recommend it."

    Mr Donald Smith, Head of IT, Greenford High School, London

  • Due to the long file names generated by the creation of offline web archive files, to ensure that the dowload extracts successfully, the file should be unpacked at a root directory location. Please see your IT department.

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