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Frequently Asked Questions

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How does Tutoring Work?
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What can I get help with?
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How much is each session?
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What times are you available?

When we have our first tutoring session, this will be when we find out what kind of support you need: whether it's homework, coursework, exam technique or simply a little extra help understanding some topic you find difficult. Once we work out what you need, I will tailor the tutorial time specifically towards your requirements. ​ PLEASE NOTE: Face to Face tutoring at The Henley College is no longer being offered. For Online support, you will need a decent internet connection, a computer with a webcam and microphone and somewhere quiet to focus. I have found that online support, certainly for Computer Science, is much more effective than face to face tutoring, simply because student can share their programming work on their own computer. The remote control functionality within TEAMS is ideal for providing feedback and correcting work. The shared whiteboard provides an area where both tutor and student can share ideas and work on problems together.

I tutor GCSE Computing, A level and BTEC Computer Science, GCSE Mathematics and A level Biology  on most days of the week between 10:00 and 17:00. Please note: I do not offer tutoring at evenings or weekends. I also offer GCSE Maths and A Level Computer Science revision courses during the Easter and May holidays and A level project support workshops during the Summer Holidays Extra support is available through the holidays, except Christmas. I have supported students from Birmingham, Solihull, Harrow, Dagenham, Aylesbury, Bradford, London, Basingstoke, Macclesfield, Cardiff, High Wycombe, Henley on Thames, Reading, France, Spain and Hong Kong via Skype and TEAMS.  Please check my booking page for times and availability.

I can help you with your A level Computer Science exam at both AS and A level for the AQA and OCR exam boards. I can help you with your A level project ideas, development and write up. I can help with both AS and A2 Computer science theory and exam technique. I can support you in nearly all of the BTEC IT units taught at Level 2 and Level 3. I can support you in your GCSE Maths Exams foundation level for the Edexel Exam Board. I can also support you in your GCSE Computing exam for OCR. I will be soon be offering support in A Level Biology as well as certain units for the Level 3 BTEC in Engineering

Online tutorials are at a fixed rate of £60 per hour. If homework is a requirement, this will be marked at a flat rate of £30 per half hour spent marking.​ A discounted rate of £25 per hour is available for any student in receipt of a Henley College Bursary. Please ask for more details. No more than 5 Bursary sessions can be offered per week across all students and each student is limited to a maximum of 2 sessions per week. You can spread your payment by instalments, please email to enquire. One day revision courses: prices vary. See individual courses for details.

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How do I Make a Booking?
What's the minimum time to work with a tutor?
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Are You DBS Checked?
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Where does Tutoring Happen?
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Why should I choose TheComputingTutor?
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How does Online Support work?

You can make a booking directly through this website, simply click on any of the 'Make a Booking' buttons on any page, or click 'Book Online' from the main menu. Please make sure you read the booking T&Cs before you do. Alternatively, you can get in touch with me by email or contact me using the form on the home page if you have any questions or want to find out any more information before making a booking.

Each tutorial session lasts for one hour. In that time you can expect to get 1 : 1 help and support on homework, coursework, exam questions or exam technique. If any work is set by me, it will be marked in the first half of your next session.

Yes. Because I carry out tutoring with The Henley College, as well as being a member of The Tutors Association, I am required to have a current, valid Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) Check. I am required to renew this every two years and I am subscribed to the DBS renewal service so my DBS is updated yearly. This provides peace of mind for the Parent, for the student and for myself.​

Online support can happen anywhere in the UK, all you need is a computer and an internet connection! Face To Face tutoring is sadly no longer offered. Please Note: TheComputingTutor is not available on any public Bank Holiday in England.​

As an experienced classroom teacher, I can quickly assess the levels of support that you need and then put things into place.​ A Levels and Level 3 subjects require an advanced level of curriculum knowledge to support you through your exams. For GCSE maths, I can quickly find out where you need help with and tailor a plan for you to help you succeed. My work starts before our session and goes on way after our session as I put together a personalised plan for you or provide individual resources tailored specifically for you. At the end of each session I report back to the Parent or Guardian, as well as the classroom tutor for Henley College Students, what occurred during the session and recommended next steps so that everyone is working together to help you succeed.

The first thing you will need is a good, stable internet connection, then you will need a computer with a webcam and microphone.​ We will then start a video chat. This is the most effective way of delivering remote learning support. Audio only chatting is not available. After that support is a simple matter of sharing screens. I can share my desktop with you, to demonstrate the subject we are studying, and you can share your desktop with me. I have interactive whiteboard software which you can log into, so that we can work together - live - on any problem. It will help if you have either a touchscreen computer or a graphics tablet. Any files can be shared directly within the chat window. I have complete support for VB.NET, C#, Java and Python. In addition I can support MySQL, Access, SQLLite and SQL Server. I also have a Microsoft TEAMS account so we can set up communication that way if you prefer. The first session will require the presence of a Parent or Guardian, to make sure that everyone is comfortable with the tutoring environment. In addition, the most effective tutoring is when both parties are visible. I have found that online tutoring, certainly for Computer Science, is more effective than face to face tutoring, as the student can share work on their own computer. PLEASE NOTE - should any of your hardware or software fail during the session, you will still need to pay for the hour, so please make sure everything is working before the session starts! Since offering this service, I have carried out over 850 hours of online support for students in Birmingham, Solihull, Harrow, Dagenham, Basingstoke, London, Aylesbury, Bradford, Macclesfield, Cardiff, High Wycombe, Henley on Thames, Reading, France, Spain and Hong Kong so far in 2020 / 2021.

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Safeguarding For Everyone

Safeguarding exists to protect not only your son or daughter, but also myself.​ I can only provide adequate safeguarding measures if all information is disclosed to me before the first tutoring session. Before our first session, it is absolutely essential that I am informed of any specific safeguarding or Learning Support interventions that are currently in place from the school or CAMHS. Once I am aware of any relevant information, I will do everything possible to work within the guidelines you specify as a parent. This is to make sure that I have all the information, before our session, to support your son or daughter in a safe, positive, supporting environment.

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Finally... How Much Tutoring Is Required And How Much Will It Cost?

This is the question I get asked the most, and one that is the most difficult to answer as it is going to be different for each student. If a student broadly understands a topic, and just requires 'fill in the blanks' tutoring, then only a few sessions should be required to cover the specific issues. If a topic needs covering from the beginning, or larger gaps in understanding are revealed, then 1 hour of tutoring will cover exactly the same material as 1 lesson in school or college. The reason for this is that I cannot talk any faster, students can't learn any faster and in the case of programming, we cannot type any faster! Similarly, if a student is resistant to the idea of tutoring, or is unwilling to put in any effort outside of the tutorial sessions, then this process will take longer than necessary. Based on previous experience of A Level Unit Content Delivery, here are some approximate times expected to be spent completely covering a topic, along with associated costs: Selection Programming - 4 Hours £240 Iteration Programming - 4 Hours £240 Single and Multidimensional Array Programming - 4 Hours £240 Recursive Programming - 3 Hours £180 Object Oriented Programming - 7 Hours £420 Database Design and Programming - 8 Hours £480 Networks and Communication Protocols - 6 Hours £360 Data Representation - Sound and Graphics: 3 Hours £180 Binary Mathematics - 6 Hours £360 Logic Gates and Boolean Algebra - 6 Hours £360 Computer Organisation and Architecture - 5 Hours £300 Computing  Project - £POA BTEC Tutoring - £POA Again, these are only estimated times, and in actuality will vary according to the requirements of the individual. Please get in touch for more details!

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