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Booking Terms and Conditions

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  • Any booking made represents a private contract between you and TheComputingTutor Ltd. and does not involve any part of The Henley College or any other Academic Institution or its members of staff.

  • Any booking made means that you are retaining the services of TheComputingTutor Ltd. for the duration of that session.

  • Any booking agreed by direct email communication represents a formal agreement between the Parent or Guardian and TheComputingTutor Ltd, and all Terms and Conditions apply.

  • Any email confirming booking or payment can be considered a formal invoice or receipt of payment, and all Terms and Conditions apply. 

  • Before a booking can be made, a phone call may be required with the Parent or Guardian to verify the validity of the client, as well as to confirm any initial requirements.

  • Online bookings can only be made by the Parent or Guardian of the student, subsequently referred to as the ‘Client’.

  • If the veracity of the client cannot be verified, or there is any form of misrepresentation, TheComputingTutor Ltd. reserves the right to terminate all relationships with the client. Full refunds may be issued for any sessions not already delivered, at the discretion of TheComputingTutor Ltd and depending on individual circumstance.

  • Payment by Bank Transfer must be paid BEFORE the tutorial session. Payment must be made by the Client. If a payment is not made by the agreed time, TheComputingTutor reserves the right to cancel the current and all future sessions and to terminate any relationship with a client.

  • Should a Client wish to reserve a session for the entire academic year, TheComputingTutor Ltd. will remove that session from the calendar and will agree not to take on any new clients in that session. Payment for reserved sessions will be at the end of each calendar month.

  • Sessions reserved for the entire academic year are at the discretion of TheComputingTutor Ltd. and can be cancelled at any point either by the Client or TheComputingTutor Ltd. Cancellation of reserved sessions will require a minimum of two weeks notice by the client from the date of the final session.

  • Scheduled tutorials will always take place on the day and time specified in the confirmation email that accompanies these terms and conditions, unless a tutorial is rearranged for a time that is mutually convenient to both tutor and student. Tutorials may continue until a mutually agreed termination date.

  • Tutorials cancelled with less than 24 hours' notice will be billed to the client at a rate of no more than 1 hour of instruction.

  • Tutorials may only be cancelled by a Parent or Guardian.

  • Tutorial sessions are at the discretion of TheComputingTutor Ltd, and TheComputingTutor Ltd reserves the right to terminate or suspend any relationship with a client.

  • TheComputingTutor Ltd. reserves the right to increase tutorial costs at their discretion. Any price changes will be reflected in the following tutorial session. If a parent or guardian has booked a block of sessions during which there is a price increase, they are free to cancel all sessions with no obligation.

  • TheComputingTutor Ltd respects and abides by the working legislation of the United Kingdom with respect to Bank Holidays. Any booking that falls on a Bank Holiday will not take place. No session will take place during the Christmas period.

  • If a student is late for a session, TheComputingTutor Ltd. reserves the right to run the session until the original end time and not to overrun, as this could clash with other bookings. The student accepts that if they are late, the session will end at the originally scheduled time.

  • Online support is by Video Conferencing only. Any other form of online communication will need to be agreed between The Client and TheComputingTutor Ltd. or any of its Employees prior to the start of the first session.

  • Should the Client computer, sound or video fail during the course of the session, the Client is liable for the cost of the entire booked session.

  • Should TheComputingTutor Ltd computer, sound or video fail during the course of the session, the Client can choose to rebook the session, or have a pro-rata refund depending of the amount of session time that was missed. If the session is rebooked, then the rebooked session will only be for the duration of the missed session.

  • It is up to The Client to fully disclose any existing or newly identified Learning Support or Safeguarding requirements prior to the start of any tutorial session. Failure to do so means that TheComputingTutor Ltd. reserves the right to cancel a support session immediately and terminate all relationships with the Client. The Client is then liable for the entire cost of the cancelled session as well as any future pre-booked sessions.

  • Any abuse directed to TheComputingTutor Ltd. or any of it's employees will not be tolerated, and TheComputingTutor Ltd. reserves the right to cancel a support session immediately and terminate all relationships with the Client. The Client is then liable for the entire cost of the cancelled session as well as any future pre-booked sessions.

  • If a client wastes time during a session, including using a mobile or additional device to check chat, email, internet or social media messaging, TheComputingTutor Ltd. reserves the right to cancel the session immediately and cancel any future sessions booked for a client. The client will still be liable for the full costs of the cancelled session.

  • If TheComputingTutor Ltd. or any of its employees is unable to attend a booked and paid for Tutorial session, a full refund will be issued if requested, or an alternate time will be arranged. If the tutorial session has only been booked, an alternate time will be arranged.

  • TheComputingTutor Ltd. strives to provide the best possible service. However, TheComputingTutor Ltd. will not be held accountable or responsible for the academic success or lack thereof demonstrated by the student/client. Although TheComputingTutor Ltd. will do everything in its power to help grades and skill sets improve, TheComputingTutor Ltd. can offer no guarantee thereto.

  • TheComputingTutor Ltd. is not liable for any direct, incidental, consequential, indirect, special, punitive or similar damages arising out of use of the TheComputingTutor Ltd. tutoring service, or any errors or omissions in the content of TheComputingTutor Ltd. materials. You, the Client, specifically agree to waive any and all claims arising out of the use of this tutoring service.

  • All materials created in-house are copyright of TheComputingTutor Ltd. You agree that you will not publish or distribute any portion of any materials without prior written permission from us.

  • All email communication from TheComputingTutor Ltd. is confidential and is for the information of the client only and is NOT to be shared with any external agency, company, person school or college without the express permission of TheComputingTutor Ltd.



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